Thursday 9 April 2015

Lose 30 Pounds For Only 15 Days with Oranges and Eggs!

Cl. by-Dr M M Abdul Halim 

The fifteen day egg diet is meant for overweight people, but also for those who experience digestion difficulties and have problems with filthy skin. This diet has proven to be an amazing skin cleaner by lowering the fat absorption in a natural way and additionally it makes the skin beautiful. It is a pretty restrictive diet and before you decide to take on it, you should consult a nutritionist and a doctor, and you should be supervised by a doctor in case you decide to try it.
Even with the most restrictive diets, it is recommendable to lose half a kilogram per day and this diet offers the possibility of losing even one kilogram per day. Since the diet is based on a lower intake of carbohydrates which lowers the muscle mass, physical exercise is necessary. It can be fitness, running, and bicycle riding, swimming or simply walking.  Moreover, do not use too much salt in the food since the salt leads to more water in the organism. Instead, use herbs.
If you do not have surplus kilograms, you should try another diet! Or, practice this diet by making it less strict with some kind of an adjusted programme of the diet.


BREAKFAST: 1 Orange (or a pear, peach, watermelon, melon, not a banana), 2 crispy biscuits, a cup of Turkish coffee or sugarless tea
LUNCH: 1 Orange, 1 boiled egg, 1 yogurt
DINNER: 2 tomatoes or 2 dcl of tomato puree, 2 boiled eggs, ½ kg lettuce (smaller) or cucumbers, 2 crispy biscuits


BREAKFAST: 1 Orange (or a pear, peach, watermelon, melon, not a banana), 2 crispy biscuits, a cup of Turkish coffee or sugarless tea
LUNCH: 1 Orange, 1 boiled egg, 1 yogurt, 2 crispy biscuits
DINNER: 125 grams of ground beef, 1 tomato or 1 dcl of tomato puree, 1 crispy biscuit, 1 cup of tea of Turkish coffee


BREAKFAST: 1 Orange (or a pear, peach, watermelon, melon, not a banana), 2 crispy biscuits, a cup of Turkish coffee or sugarless tea
LUNCH: 1 Orange, 1 boiled egg, 1 yogurt, and 1 lettuce (smaller)
DINNER: 125 grams of ground meat, 1 orange, 1 crispy biscuit, 1 cup of tea or Turkish coffee


BREAKFAST: 1 Orange (or a pear, peach, watermelon, melon, not a banana), 2 crispy biscuits, a cup of Turkish coffee or sugarless tea
LUNCH: 125 grams of fresh low fat cow cheese (or mozzarella), 1 tomato, 1 crispy biscuit
DINNER: 125 grams of ground meat, 2 tomatoes or 2 dcl tomato puree, 1 apple, 1 crispy biscuit


BREAKFAST: 1 Orange (or a pear, peach, watermelon, melon, not a banana), 2 crispy biscuits, a cup of Turkish coffee or sugarless tea
LUNCH: 200 grams of cooked meet or fish, 1 tomato, 1 crispy biscuit
DINNER: 500 grams of cooked vegetables (carrot, pees, potato…), 1 boiled egg, 1 tomato
Eat normally during weekends.
When you achieve the wanted weight, maintain it by eating like this every Monday:
BREAKFAST: 1 sugarless lemonade (you can use artificial sweeteners)
LUNCH: 1 boiled egg, 1 crispy biscuit, 1 tomato (you can eat an apple too)
DINNER: 1 crispy biscuit, 1 tomato (you can eat one more boiled egg as well)
-You can use Vegeta (a condiment which is a mixture of spices and various vegetables) to spice up the meat and the cooked vegetables
-Do not drink alcohol
-You can eat the foodstuffs warm or cold, but it is important to take them in the right order
-After two days you will lose 2, 5 to 5 kilograms
-After 5 days, go 2 days without the diet and eat normally, but moderately. Two days later, begin the diet, and practice it three times during five days: all in all 15 days.
-In this fifteen days diet (not counting the days without diet) you can lose up to 30 pounds which you will not regain if you eat normally after you finish with the diet and if you practice the above mentioned menu for Mondays.

source: healthtips, Link

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